About Us

The SMART Method™ evolved from collective experience in and on national and international media outlets.

From the White House to the Networks to local outlets to internet platforms, our team has been involved on both sides of the cameras and microphones. With over 45 combined years experience in television, print, radio, production and publishing – our team is ready and willing to share tips and tricks of the trade.

Meet the Team

  • Kay Wyma

    Kay is a writer, video-podcaster blogger. Kay also held positions at Bank of America, The White House (Lead Advance, Bush 41 Administration) and The Staubach Company. She has a B.A. from Baylor University and MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management.

    Through her 4 books (Penguin Random House/Waterbrook and Baker Books), Kay has been invited as a guest and/or contributor on local, national and international platforms (including NBC TODAY Show, CBS The Doctors, CNN, Hallmark Home & Family, NYT, FOX News, USA Today, DMagazine, NPR, Focus on the Family, SiriusXM and more). She has a wide range of experience on both sides of the microphone & camera – live, taped, call-in, as well as production.


  • Brenda Teele

    Brenda Teele is an Emmy Award-winning journalist, news-anchor, host, spokesperson, media coach and sought after panel member on a variety of topics.

    Brenda began her television news career in Baltimore, Maryland as a news desk editor before becoming a news writer in Los Angeles. She is currently a facilitator in leadership training and has enjoyed on-air positions at KTBS 3 News, NBC5, CBS-11, ABC Radio Network and KKDA-AM Radio. Brenda has judged for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader auditions and is the founder of ME: More than Enough and the Walk With Me podcast.


  • Misty Persefield

    Strategic thinker with a demonstrated success in marketing and advertising for clients across industries. Strong consulting professional skilled in Branding, Advertising, Communication, Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing, and Social Media.


Got Questions?

Let’s connect! We’re here for you to help as we can. Let us know how we can come alongside.

Feel free to email us at info@saysomethingsmart.org